Friday, March 20, 2009


This kind of firing is so neat. i dont like painting my work so by having a Raku firing would be my thing. i love how it looks all mactallic. it also has my favorite color blue. LOL

This Raku firing was done by somebody named Renee. LOL its not me. it kinda funny that we have the same name and its spelled the same way. i love how there are swirls and still have the blue color.

This piece is really neat. I love that every raku firing there is also some kind of blue color. in this piece its a dark blue. i think this piece is also neat because for there is different colors. i dont like it how its not really shinny.

some artist for a Raku firing are the following:
  • Hong Rubinstein
  • David Roberts
  • Gary Freguson


Raku is a 400 year old clay firing tradition originating with the Japanese Tea Ceremonies. A ceramic technique was founded in Japan by Raku Chojiro over 450 years ago.
In theoriginal technique the glazed pottery is taken hot from the kiln and set outside to cool and oxidize.Glazes are subtle whites, blacks and crackles.

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